Monday, November 20, 2006

Monday, November 20th

Math-review, subtraction time test
Science-fossils, experiment with sugar cubes
English-finishing character analysis, typing stories
Reading-reading groups, DEAR, Read Aloud
Other-Buddy room activity with Miss Luft's class, Art

Study for math test tomorrow....the kids were given a blue sheet to write ANYTHING they want to on it. They may use this sheet on the test tomorrow, since we did not have time to review. They did see the actual test beforehand, so they should be VERY well prepared!!

Extra notices and Reminders....
-Mid Terms will come home tomorrow...make sure to keep them, because they will need to be signed and returned on Monday
-NO SMILE project this month...too many other things to do!!
-NO spelling this week due to a short week
-Please contact me via email at if you are okay with me using this site as our weekly newsletter!
-Math test tomorrow will NOT be on the mid term, but I will try to get it graded and returned so you can have it over break!!
-HUG your child!!! Tell them how special they are!!


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