Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Tuesday, November 28th

Math-multiplying by tens and hundreds
Science-review over chapter 4
English-Writer's Workshop, WOTD, WW Sharing time
Reading-Reading groups, DEAR time, Read Aloud
Other-Clock partners, Spanish, Health, Art tomorrow

-THT 11 Due on Friday
-Study Link 5.2 Due tomorrow
-Finish Up Science Review (most did this in class)
-Mid Term and Math test signatures were due yesterday

Spelling words for this Friday's Test will be...
hold, start, until, box, almost, it's, its, stand, their, there, they're, every, matter, among, because, that's, whole, probably, others, special, person

**I'm sorry this week has been so crazy. As you all know, sickness is flying around this place!! I have tried to stay as healthy as possible, but I think I got a little something this weekend and it's sticking around a bit. I apologize for missing Monday and for being late with this post. It has taken me a few days to get back into the swing of things.... :) Thank you for your patience! I will do all I can to keep your kids healthy! :)


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