Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wednesday, December 20th

English-Christmas writing and project
Reading-DEAR, Read Aloud
Science-finished up butterfly and biome projects
Other-Spanish, PE, typing in computer lab

NO HOMEWORK unless your child has not finished their Science projects. Those are due by tomorrow morning.

It is PJ day...Please have your child bring a pillow and/or blanket tomorrow morning as I have a special thing planned...also a good book to read during the morning time.... We will be having pizza ordered in for lunch, courtesy of Amara's mom, so DO NOT pack lunches tomorrow unless your child does not like pizza. Also, please have them bring a board game as we will have a fun time in the afternoon where they can play games.

**The last day to take grades is tomorrow. I have most of the student's work in, but it is THEIR responsibility to make sure their work is done. I will be completing the gradecards and sending them home at the beginning of January when we go back to school!! Thank you!!


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