Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tuesday, December 5th

English-WW, WOTD
Math-lattice multiplication, division time test
Reading-DEAR, Read Aloud, Reading groups
Other-Spanish, Music, Health tomorrow
Major Saver Cards turned in daily to get prizes!! We're doing great as a class!!

Study Link 5.7-Lattice multiplication
THT 12 (due Friday)
Late work sheet (if applicable)
-In case you are unfamiliary with the lattice multiplication process, I have included a few websites to help you out...

This is also a fun powerpoint that takes you through the lattice process...

I am sending notes home this evening regarding late work. If your child has any missing assignments, they should have a note with them tonight with their missing word recorded on it. They need to get this sheet signed and returned to school ASAP. Students with missing work are as follows-5, 9, 14, 16, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28 (I am listing them by student number to avoid names, etc. If you wish, you can ask your child what their number is and see if they have late work from this list.)


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