Friday, January 12th
English-WW, typing stories
Math-division review and quiz
Other-Library Checkout, recess, Music
-Quiz signed and returned on Tuesday
***No homework this weekend, except to study for the division test if they want to retake it next week. We have worked on long division for three days, and I have given the kids ample opportunities to ask for help and get help. However, many kids are waiting until test time to ask questions, in which I cannot answer them, because it's a test. Encourage your child to ask if they need help. I would love the ability of mind reading, but until I get it (yeah right :)), I need them to speak up if they do not understand. I want them to succeed and I want to help them. If you have questions about long division, please see the attached note that I included with the newsletter for this week. I typed out how I teach it, and hopefully that will alleviate some stress at home. :) Please do not hesitate to contact me if need be. Thank you and have a great and SAFE weekend!!
**SMILE forms will be sent home next week. Due to our short day, we did not get to cover the material.
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